
How are things at HOME….

This week has been tough. I won’t kid you. I am thankful—but it’s been hard nonetheless.

Yesterday marked six months that Wanda left our side. When she breathed her last struggling breath and the next gulp of air was celestial air—had to be so incredible. I cannot even fathom.

It’s really not a secret that we are working on a book project of her life, faith and ministry to others. That’s hard too. Because of all the picture memories that flood to my heart and mind.

As Jeff and I watched this video last Friday night, I could do nothing but sit and cry. I apologize for the “blurriness” of the video—but the song will ring through I hope loud and clear straight to your heart. I intend to go. I intend to hug her. I intend to lay hold on eternal life—I love you all. I am blessed constantly by some one’s sweet comment or thoughtful e-mail. I am thankful for what the LORD has given me. The valleys of life as well as the mountains.

Go to Iris’ place for more thankfuls! Have a blessed weekend girls (and guys).

(Song “How Are Things At Home” by Janet Paschal)

25 thoughts on “How are things at HOME….”

  1. Oh…… I love her voice…….. I just cried…. What a day when we get to hug those that have gone before……….. I have a precious Grandmother waiting to hug my neck…… She is home with her youngest son…….. I miss her…….

  2. Oh my gosh……….. the Father just reminded me that I have a child that waits for me ! How precious is our Father God….. Oh how precious Heaven

  3. Angie,These anniversaries are not easy! And working on the book of Wanda, that must be bittersweet. It will mean so much to her little girl, as well as the rest of your family and close friends; something you will surely cherish.I’m praying for you, sis!Love,Cheryl

  4. Hi Angie, Thanks for sharing this touching thankful post with us. The song is lovely. May God bless you and Jeff as you work on the book project. It’s encouraging to read of your thankful heart despite the difficult week. Praying with and for you that God’s love, mercies and faithfulness continue to strengthen you daily. Thanks for sharing your thankful heart with us. May God bless you and family always! Hugs.

  5. Thank you so very much for sharing this sweet friend, especially today. I am missing my brother so very much. Today would be his birthday. I also intend to go, and give great big hugs to my momma and brother. I love you.

  6. I love the way your phrased “celestial air.” How pure and perfect that will be. I pray that you are comforted and blessed today. Thanks for being real.

  7. Angie, I have never heard that song before. The tears are flowing as I remember my sweet loved ones and a baby that I never got to hold are “Home.” Some day…what a blessed day that will be…what a reunion!

  8. Oh, Angie… praying you thru this anniversary of Wanda’s passing thru heaven’s gates!Beautiful, beautiful, touching song you shared, as well.Blessing to you today, my friend!

  9. Angie~Know that I’m praying for you during this difficult time. God see’s EACH and everyone of your tears…..for your tears are a language…HE understands.What a BLESSED hope we have that we will once again, see our Loved ones in Heaven!

  10. Oh girlfriend, I’m sitting here crying buckets, for you and your hearting heart, and because I was moved by this song.Matthew 6:19-21 speaks of laying up treasures in heaven for where your treasure is, your heart will be also. My sweet sister, it’s obvious your treasure is being laid up in heaven because your heart aches and yearns for your sister Wanda who’s already there, but most importantly, because you love the One who made it all possible for eternity to be in our hearts.Oh how my heart yearns to meet you face to face one day and hug your neck! Praying for you.

  11. Oh my I am crying so hard I can hardly type! Thank you so much for sharing my dear sweet sister in Christ! My thoughts and prayers go out to you today. What a glorious reunion we all will have one day! Thank you again. God Bless you.

  12. I am so sorry you had a bad week!! Oh girl, I know what you mean. But trust me when I say, it will pass. Really it will. God is so good and HE will show you peace again. You have a sweet heart. Thanks for sharing it. Happy TT!

  13. Oh Angie, I know how much you must miss her. It is true we have the hope of heaven, but that doesn’t mean we don’t miss those precious loved ones so very much.I love this song. Janet Paschal is one of my very favorite singers. I have all her CDs. She’s a precious Christian lady. I pray the God of all comfort will wrap you in His great arms of love today and every day.

  14. You know I just PRAY that you got the “surprise…” on this day…If the mail man did it right..you would have…To use with the new study..I know this has been a tough week…I just wish you were closer to come on by and give you a big ol’ hug and a BIG cookie to say love you….Your faith inspires me!Stay strong in that faith…girl you amaze me!hugs and love you!lori

  15. Have I TOLD you this week just how SPECIAL you are????well…YOU are!and I’ve been blessed that this cyber world brought us into each other’s worlds!;)God is so COOL to do that, don’t ya think???hugs,lori

  16. Beautiful true song. Reminds me that we aren’t at home and that it will be amazing to finally get there. I love you and I know that it will be so so beautiful when you and Wanda hug again. At Home…

  17. Angie, I pray God continues to shower you with His amazing grace and love.The ministry of music is so powerful to help us release our emotions. Praise God for thinking of everything.Imagine the music in heaven where it will only be joy and no sorrow.Wow. I wonder if we will remember our sorrow on earth…so we dont ever forget what joy is…Bless you sweet sister! I love you!Kathy

  18. Blessings Angie…how aMazingly perfect Janet's song was for your memory. Healing and grieving go hand and hand! I found that putting together a collage of photos of my youngest brother (30 when he died)brought healing. I'm sorry that the Beautiful Book project is flooding your heart with pain instead. Truly, I pray that Our Comforter will bring His Joy that comes in the mourning! You have just blessed fond memories allow those to stir up your statements you made of reassurance and strength of her celebration in Heaven take hold of your deep sadness and bring beauty from the ashes. Wanda is Heaven's blessing and we are all heaven bound. Find strength in the words that ring th to our hearts from your choice of song and Praise Him through the storm. Your sister loves you and so do we your sisters in the Lord. Look up for our redemption draweth near! Prayers have been lifted for you and your heavy heart. Work thru this…the legacy you are creating through Wanda's Book Project will touch many but give her family a gift of her and her life well lived.Thank you for visiting my place and sharing as part of the great team you write with and serve the Lord with your words & faith. God is not finished nor are you! Be blessed and thank you for sharingyour Thankful heart even when it's hard! Keep trusting!!! Peggy

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