Church Functions, Fun

Janet Paschal in Marianna, Florida!

We had the BEST time at the Women’s Ministry Celebrate L.I.F.E. Retreat!

Thank you Rese Moore for pulling this all together and praying fervently–for all the lives that have been touched at this event.

Great classes, new faces, new friends and God was center of it all!

What a blessing! Janet Paschal was absolutely wonderful–singing with such pure devotion to Jesus Christ! She sang some old favorites, well known by the dear voices of our ladies!

Precious. If you look up Janet Paschal in the North West Florida Dictionary (if there was one) you’d find the one word that describes her totally—“precious”.

She even had Pastor Tommy come up and sing with her! (Bless his heart–he was the sound man-the go-to man-the runner–the fixer–just everything needed for his dear wife–Rese! Thank you Pastor Tom!

Sheila Sloan, her traveling pianist, is the sweetest heart you would ever want to meet! Thank you Sheila for your love for Jesus–your willingness to serve Him and others! It shows in everything you do!  I am blessed to know you!

More will be shared later!  YOU REALLY need to see “Greasy Rese and the Flop-Earred Three” (how in the WORLD did they come up with that name!!!)

Anyway, they had everyone almost rolling in the floor laughing….too funny! I hope with all the phones raised high–at least someone “youtubed” it! PLEASE tell me you did!

I pray you all have a super blessed Sunday–worship Jesus! He is my all! My everything!

I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile. Romans 1:16 NIV

© The Knightly News 2007-2010

Friends, Fun

Upcoming Give-away!

I have NEWS NEWS NEWS! You all KNOW how I love a give-away…I love to give—and I even enter one from time to time! I actually WON two recently! An awesome book for Family History from Laura—Woman in the Tent; and a bag, notebook and picture from Denise of Sew the Word! BUT a new GIVEAWAY is on the horizon….and I am gonna let you in on the secret….

Go to my GOOOOOOD friend, Laurel Wreaths Reflections….YOU will absolutely love it! (She sort of told me what was going on!)

Friends, Fun

Sew the Word Indeed!

I was completely ASTOUNDED when I came home and low and behold a box on my desk! What a blessed surprise! It was the “prize” I won from my entry over at “Sew the Word“! Thank you dear sweet Denise!!!

She made this incredible bag (In case you don’t know— I love bags—I collect them! AND I take one EVERY DAY to work with my books/Bible Study/camera/etc. to work!) She also made the picture—it has my name embroidered on it in English and Hebrew! Wow!!! I still cannot get over my wonderful blessings!

Girls, I have to tell you—-for some awesome Bible teaching—-you really need to check out Denise’s site at Samaritan Women. I love reading her teachings. A teacher of the Bible for many years, and a sweet precious follower after the heart of God.

I am blessed by so MANY friends on the blogroll. When I need some uplifting thoughts, they are as close as my sidebar! Check a few of them out!

Thank you Denise, this could not have come at a better time! The Lord certainly knows how to pick a girl up!

We are getting ready for our Bible Study beginning in September —can I tell you I am nervous?? I have had a couple more express their interest and plans to participate! It will be at the Sister’s of Faith blog! (If you are new here—go to the Sister’s of Faith Blog and view the book—maybe you already have the book and want to join!

I am ready…study book, Bible, new book marker, pencil, computer, paper, coffee cup, Kleenex (in case we need it), Depends (in case Aimee says something funny), YOU and US!

Family, Fun, Mothers Day

Do you know what a Weezie is?

A Weezie is a sweet girl who loves her mommy. Weezie shares said mommy with Frog Legs. (Their Daddy picked both nick-names and they STUCK)

If my eyes look a bit sad or droopy (they do) we had just released our “Mother’s Day” balloons to the skies for Wanda. I wanted to ride one up and give her a kiss and hug. I couldn’t. But soon. We will leave this earth for the heavenlies. Wow! What a ride that will be!

I shared both days celebrating motherhood with both of my girls. It was a real treat! This sweet girl will soon make me the Nana of 5 little boys. No, only 2 will be hers to claim!

Lori, can you spell “clean the tub quick!” Guess what I was doing 30 minutes before they all gathered at our house? If you guessed cleaning the tub, you win the prize! I knew that at least one little boy, if not all four would be taking a bath at Nana’s before they went home and straight to bed! It is sort of a tradition. If they don’t bring jammies, Nana provides.

My two sweet girls cooked the entire supper on Sunday night, cleaned up the kitchen…completely. Ladies—this was a real treat! I have never felt more honored….and like I was in someone else’s house…with someone else’s family….(kidding). It was incredible! They worked as a team…I played outside with the boys…until they wore me out and then someone else took over! It was the most fun we have had in quite a while.

Wish you all could have been here!

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Family, Fun

Watersports on Mother’s Day

They had no choice–it’s in their genes…boys that “see” water in a pool…no matter the size…must jump in….clothes, shoes and all!

Rylan just doesn’t understand why they got in with their shoes on….

Zackary says…”because you ‘posed to Wylan”…

little Jason says, “pway mommy, ‘ets pway!”

Hope you don’t mind me sharing pictures this week.

I am feeling rather wordless…
must be the weather….

I will be back to regular devotions next week….this week, let’s just share a bit over a cup of coffee…or tall glass of iced tea…sweet please…with lemon!

Zackary says, “Jason, deese shoes are heavy now…”

Janice, whatcha fixin’ for the ladies tomorrow night?

Aimee said you looked after her while I was away. I knew I could count on you! You are wonderful! Thank you for that!

A very special thank you to my sweet precious ladies and sisters-in-Christ from Marianna First….you read, you tell me you are fed–or enjoy it—it lifts my sometimes weary heart! It meant a lot on Sunday to hear those words. Thank you dear ones.


The Cabbage Patch Hospital and Helen, Georgia Trip!

Yes, we’ve been here before…when our girls were small….but we did it again. And bought two babies….no–we didn’t adopt. (THEY are expensive!) I could hardly afford two from the gift shop! Whew—add that to the price of gas it took to get there and you have a wad of dough! And no cookies come from that either!

We had such a great time! I can’t wait to take you on a tour of the Day Spa…saving that one! Hurry back!

I will be joing the ladies at Sneads First Assembly of God tomorrow night —yeah! A fun night! I will tell you all about it!

I think this will be slideshow week. 🙂

Family, Fun

On my way….

I hope you all have a very blessed week…I will be viewing this….

I will think of you…but will have no internet…no phones ringing off the hook…and maybe…my eye will stop twitching! Yeah!

Love you all. Sister Janice..if you read this…know that I love and appreciate the faithful women at Sneads A/G… encourage Aimee while I am away…

Borrowed Blessings, Family, Fun, Life, love

Weekend Fun!

A couple of these are from this past summer….the top two to be exact. But I thought I’d share a spoonful of sugar with ya! Now, don’t overdose! That sweetness can get sticky! After you’ve picked up the umteenth truck or almost broken your toe on a car—while kicking it’s wheels before test-drivin’ it!
The top dude loves to play Ninja. The next one down holding the stick, loves to BE NINJA. But he loves to whine more. Which is why I am looking into Ginger Plowman’s new book, “No More Whining”.
The one pictured at the picnic table and with the storybooks and bears is my Rylan. I call him mine for many reasons. His mommy doesn’t mind.
The picture with Papa “trying” to read to a couple of them is funny, because we had more fun watching and listening to Papa deal with this lap full of boys who love books, but love to squirm and ask multiple questions while you are reading…hence, this doesn’t happen very often, so a picture to capture the moment was necessary!
The last sugar-dumplin’ is my Cy-Man. His name is just Cy. But like all grandparents, we have pet names for our kids. Tiffany was “Frog Legs”, April was and is Weezie, and the boys have their own names as well.
My sister, Aimee and I worked on a project last night….more to come on that. It wasn’t a blog. It was a room project. My sister, Wanda’s sewing room. Like I said, more to come on that.