
Summer Help! Yipee!

Our office has been blessed beyond measure with a phenomenal young lady. (The young one!)

I have had the pleasure of working closely with “Katie-Bell” as I have nicknamed her. She is what I call, “precious”! But—since I am who I am –and talk the way I do-and I live where I live—I have a somewhat distinct “southerness” in my voice. So—it is “Pressshhhuuuuhhhssss”! And that is Miss Katie to a “T”.

She has been given tasks by every employee of the firm—from the “big bosses”…on down to each secretary. She has helped EVERYONE! And without one single complaint. No matter how daunting or simple the task! She has a bright smile when she enters the building and it is just as bright when she leaves! If an exclamation mark could describe her upbeat and cheery personality it might look like this

I just love her to pieces! AND will miss her so much when she leaves us in a few days! So, I have asked Miss Katie to share a bit about herself, her studies and her plans! So—-take it away Katie!!!

My name is Katie and I have been working as Angie’s faithful office assistant this summer. I attend school at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas, but I will be spending the next year studying abroad at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland.

I am a Political Science major and a Religious Studies minor with a general focus on International Relations, thus spending a year in an international surrounding seemed like the perfect plan for me. A disabling feeling of being land locked in America has driven my plan. I think it is becoming increasingly important for Americans to gain a better understanding of the world beyond our borders.

This age of globalization requires that Americans begin to step outside of their comfort zone and experience cultural diversity less we get left behind by the rest of the world. I think one of the most important ways to begin to study another culture is to observe their religious practices. Learning about other religions is a great way to test your own faith.

In my own experience I have found that the more you begin to learn about different religions and cultures the more you begin to find the common ground of humanity. I think the linking bits of kindness and humanity found in all cultures and religions is one of the most important displays of God’s love and the proof of goodness in people all around the world. Watching the Olympics through out the next couple of weeks will be a great way to see just how small this world really is!

My advice to you is:
Look beyond the world of your day-to-day life.
Watch the news and the Olympics.
Have faith in the goodness of God and people.
EDUCATE yourself about different cultures and religions.

Have a great week & remember to pray for me while I am abroad this next school year!


Thanks Katie! I appreciate your willingness to blog along with me for this little adventure. Ladies, do take time to pray for Katie as she travels abroad at the end of this month. It can be a scary world out there! Joanne of Blessed, laughed “out loud” and real hard at me when I told her that I had never flown on an airplane before….I just don’t get it…surely there’s a lot of people just like me….right??? RIGHT???

11 thoughts on “Summer Help! Yipee!”

  1. Angie, One of my daughters leaves for overseas missions for a year + possibly at the end of August. She’s still waiting on her support to come in. If it all gets in and the details get worked out she will leave the 27th, we found out today. My other daughter will board her first airplane on Sept. 1st to go and be amongst a small church group in the Himalayas for 3 weeks. I am so blessed to see Katie, my girls, other young adults going and being the hands and feet of Jesus.I boarded my first airplane at age 47. I flew from Georgia to Colorado to attend the Captivating retreat. I boarded my 2nd airplane to fly home. : )So, there are people like you out there, though people looked at me like I had 3 eyes when I told them!Thank you also for your sweet words of affirmation for my devo at the Cafe’ today. That blesses my heart.Bless you,Julie

  2. You look like mother/daughter team. So cute. Learning about other cultures is a blast. But, I feel very comfy in my little box, at times. Good luck, Angie and thanks for your advice. I sure can use them.Katie, thanks for your encouragements. You’ve blessed my heart with them today. I will pray for you. I lost my brother, but sad that he refused to get to know God. Once I took him to church, and as soon as we parked the car at church, he got out of the car, he walked home. Shortly after that he was in a fatal car accident. My heart sanked so low for so long, but the Lord has asked me to take off my grave clothes and go on. My point is, there will always be days where you will cry out for your sister and it is okay. The great thing is God knows and sees your heartache. We are so blessed, but we are still human and we will miss our loved ones-it is part of being alive. It can be good.

  3. I have traveled around the world twice when I was young…in my early 20’s…….. I flew all over the world…… Today just the thought of it makes me want to throw up……. I guess the fearless is for the young…. God bless the youth of our nation that will reach out and touch other nations with the gospel of Christ….. God speed to Katie… May her life be a example of the desire of many American Christians to reach out and touch our world..Thanks Angie for giving her voice tonight……. Love ya!

  4. WOW….WHAT a gal!! I think I want to be her!! What a vision….I was an International mktg. major…and I agree with her wholeheartedly..we have to learn about different cultures and religions… “I think the linking bits of kindness and humanity found in all cultures and religions is one of the most important displays of God’s love and the proof of goodness in people all around the world.” WHAT WISE WORDS!I pray that she travels and studies safely and I’m sitting here just imagining what God’s plans are for her….Good Luck Katie…The world awaits!(and what a GREAT lady you got to HANG with this summer…I’m jealous!! that Angie is one cool chick too!!):) peace,lori

  5. Katie: I have a 21 year-old Katie-daughter. I am blessed to know there are young adults like you who care about things that extend beyond their own arms’ reach. It is even rarer to find older people who do!

  6. Katie,Angie has given you her big exclamation-stamp of approval! What a wonderful path awaits you. You are blessed to have been placed under the wings of Angie at your office. She will be your greatest prayer warrior.Like I tell my own children, “You can’t dream dreams big enough for what God has for you.”Warmly, JoanneP.S. Angie…you are just so cute. I want to get you on a plane to California next year for the Mt. Hermon writers conference. It is the biggest Christian Writer’s conference in America…only about 3 hours from my house. Think about it! I would be thrilled to greet you and Amy at the airport from your first flight! I am going to talk to Jesus about it, for you!

  7. Hi Angie- Your Katie is a doll! And what wisdom she has for such a young’n! Really – you have never flown? I absolutely hate to fly – it scares me to death – and it seems like I’m always having to get on a plane.

  8. Hey Angie, Thanks for stopping by Job 19:25 He Lives. I’m new at this game, and every word of encouragement is grace on my pensive brow.Katie, you rock!!! Your comments on the need to think globally is “spot on” (a Brit term you will hear in Edinburgh). Sometimes, I feel like it is just before World War II, and we’re still asking what all that foreign business has to do with us! God bless you and keep you in your travels and your studies. My daughter is headed to Edinburgh next summer for a creative writing internship. Aahhh, to be young!Angie, we have to talk about this airplane thing, child! If you are afraid of flying, what are you going to do when we are caught up in the air to meet Jesus? Sweet dreams and bushels of blessings to you both!

  9. What a lovely young lady Angie! And how wonderful of you to laud her extraordinary service this summer. I’m glad she got to meet you! And may God bless her and protect her on her journeys and new adventure.

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