Christmas, Church Functions

Special Sunday Services!

Do you have animals in your church?

We do.  Little calves, donkeys, sheep, doves, well, I can’t remember all the animals I saw!  Plus, Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus!
Take a peek at the slide show!

We are blessed at Marianna First to have some of the mosts talented–from all ages!

This is a short slide show of Sunday’s activities! All of our church family kids were GREAT!

Sorry this is so short…I’ve got chicken and rice going and cornbread in the oven….gotta hurry! 🙂

© The Knightly News 2007-2010

Church Functions, Fun

Janet Paschal in Marianna, Florida!

We had the BEST time at the Women’s Ministry Celebrate L.I.F.E. Retreat!

Thank you Rese Moore for pulling this all together and praying fervently–for all the lives that have been touched at this event.

Great classes, new faces, new friends and God was center of it all!

What a blessing! Janet Paschal was absolutely wonderful–singing with such pure devotion to Jesus Christ! She sang some old favorites, well known by the dear voices of our ladies!

Precious. If you look up Janet Paschal in the North West Florida Dictionary (if there was one) you’d find the one word that describes her totally—“precious”.

She even had Pastor Tommy come up and sing with her! (Bless his heart–he was the sound man-the go-to man-the runner–the fixer–just everything needed for his dear wife–Rese! Thank you Pastor Tom!

Sheila Sloan, her traveling pianist, is the sweetest heart you would ever want to meet! Thank you Sheila for your love for Jesus–your willingness to serve Him and others! It shows in everything you do!  I am blessed to know you!

More will be shared later!  YOU REALLY need to see “Greasy Rese and the Flop-Earred Three” (how in the WORLD did they come up with that name!!!)

Anyway, they had everyone almost rolling in the floor laughing….too funny! I hope with all the phones raised high–at least someone “youtubed” it! PLEASE tell me you did!

I pray you all have a super blessed Sunday–worship Jesus! He is my all! My everything!

I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile. Romans 1:16 NIV

© The Knightly News 2007-2010

Church Functions

Having a bit of fun…

This was some fun at Mother and Grandbuddy’s on Monday Night

In case you don’t know….we like to have fun.

Don’t you?

We have some fun/neat stuff going on this weekend!  Janet Paschal will be with us singing and sharing what God has done in her life tomorrow night.  Then on Saturday, we will have workshops on just about every thing during the morning–and then, a lunchtime Tea!

MANY have been busy getting ready for this event (West Florida District Women’s Ministry Retreat) and the workshops, a HUGE thank you to the District Women’s Director, Rese Moore for all her hard work and love and PRAYER that she puts into each event!

I hope you all have a GREAT weekend!  (Click on the links to find out MORE)

© The Knightly News 2007-2010

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Church Functions, faith, Holy Spirit

Okay, Maybe They Fixed It.

Or, maybe I just didn’t watch long enough.

What am I talking about?  Sorry, I thought you were here for my rant yesterday.

I’m talking about Hallmark skipping out on Thanksgiving.  But they MUST have read my post–because today–as pretty as you please, The “16 DaYs until ThanksGiving” notice popped up!  That’s good…’cuz my next step was to write a letter.

(Kidding–I’m not a letter writer [any more]–unless it’s to encourage a down-hearted friend) 

(This was while I was ironing….just in case you wondered—and YES…I am an ironer…of pillowcases, top sheets, and tablecloths–but no, I don’t want to iron your tablecloths.)

Now–on to the REASON for this post.  I have to tell you about a little boy I saw a couple Sundays ago.  I don’t remember his name, since I didn’t get to meet him–but God knows his name–and the precious heart of his!

The picture is not as clear as I wish–but his heart for Jesus rang out clear and strong!

He attends my daughter, April’s church and she said he is a light and delight!  His smile is so contagious!  I just wanted to run over there and squeeze him, but since I was a perfect stranger, I didn’t want to scare him–so I refrained the “Nana” instincts rising up in me!
That Sunday, God filled that place with His mighty presence–and this little fellow felt it as the children sang a powerful song about F-A-I-T-H!

The blurriness of the photo is due to his movements–he was moving his little arms and head with the music! 

Can I ask you a question?  Do we do that?  Are we that excited about serving and KNOWING Jesus Christ?

Amie C. is our worship leader—Holy Spirit lead and Spirit filled.  It is obvious too!  Under the anointing of the LORD, singing His praises, the hands go up and the Spirit fills the house–and the believers who open their hearts to HIM.  However, if you don’t open your heart and mind to Him—He is not going to invade the land.  YOU must desire HIM —Jesus Christ—above ALL ELSE!  THEN—the blessings and anointing fall.  Case in point:  This past Sunday.  Thank YOU JESUS for that powerful move of YOUR Presence.

I have come to realize more and more as the days and weeks pass me by—I want Jesus—MORE than anything else in this world.  I want His presence, His anointing, His power to flow through me than ever before.  There are things to be done–lives to reach for Him–as time is running out.  There are those my path has crossed recently that are DOING all they can for Jesus.  I want to be in that number of “doers”. 

So–I leave you with this today:  Do you like football?  Do you get excited when your team scores?  IF you answered yes–I just have to ask one more —do you get that excited about seeing God changing hearts and lives?  Do you get excited about singing HIS praises and worship?

Friends, we have A LOT to be THANKFUL for and to get excited about!  We are running the last lap of the race!

© The Knightly News 2007-2010

Church Functions

Saturday Activities at Church!

We had a busy Saturday! Different from last Saturday–when we sat all day in a class room soaking up the wisdom of one of the awesome teachers from the District School of Ministry (DSOM).

Today was fun….well, I can’t speak for Jeff…because his was not as much fun as mine was…

We’ll talk more later. 🙂

Ummm, if you see Jeff tomorrow, tell him thanks. He and David did the work for the youth.

Mr. Cy (number 1 grandson in April’s family) is going to be in a children’s program–

and I promised him I would go! (who could refuse this face!)

If you notice…the little man has a toothpick in his mouth.


© The Knightly News 2007-2010

Church Functions

Highlights by Slide Show!

I truly wish you could have been with us!
We had the BEST time in the LORD!

Words cannot express the joy and honor it was to meet
Janet Paschal–and y’all- I sat right behind her before she went on to sing!
I EVEN got a picture of the back of her sweet head! 
But–I didn’t post it. 😉

I am having SEVERE trouble with blogger tonight!
So I hope this comes through alright!

I have more to say, but blogger is being very ugly to me…so I will sign off for now!

 © The Knightly News 2007-2010
Christmas, Church Functions

Carmel’s Christmas Tea 2009

Thank you Jennifer Hodge Vickery for being the sweetest hostess! The night was memorable!

As we ate a delicious meal provided by the ladies of Carmel Assembly of God Church, we were served by our darling hostesses, Jennifer Hodge and Sandy Harris. The entertainment was incredible–singers, singers, and singers! AND the children’s department gave us the sweetest little hand-bell song!

Kim Moore ministered her heart and since I know her personally, it was doubly enjoyable! Great job Kim!

AND I won a door prize! A purple candle and glass shade! HOW SWEET IS THAT!

THEN, Susan of Count it all Joy followed me home to my mother’s house and we spent the rest of the evening –until well after midnight—talking over ideas for —guess what! Next year’s retreat!

Y’all–it was fun! It was encouraging and uplifting to this tired heart! God is so good! I can’t hardly stand it! There will be more stuff to come! MORE MORE MORE!


© The Knightly News 2007-2009

Church Functions

Tables of Love

at Grace Assembly of God Church!

A wonderful time of fellowship and joy in the Lord, as we gathered together at Grace Assembly of God—at the Women’s Ministry annual “Tables of Love”. Several women created tables of thought provoking ideas of prayerful hearts and fruitful lives. Of course my favorite was “As the deer panteth for the water”… (my sweet girl’s table)

Encouragement in the word and song was brought to us by Nysa Wilkins of Panama City, Florida—with her testimony and the ministry of her heart for the children in the Ukraine. (Sorry, because of where I was seated, the pictures of Nysa were not as clear)

It was a special time of love….true love in the body of Christ as they shared their tables of love with all of us. Thank you sweet ladies of Grace Assembly of God!