About us

img_8150Jeff and Angie Knight.

           Called to go, build, serve and sow.  

When Jeff gave his life to Jesus- he had no idea what was in store.  Early in their marriage, Jeff and Angie began working in the church–various jobs from teaching Sunday School classes, to cutting the grass-and most everything in between, with just a deep desire to serve God.

 In 1993, Jeff was able to take part in building for the kingdom of God, literally by building.  He was able to participate in several trips following that first life changing experience.   As Jeff traveled with his team leader and mission pastor, Jerry Moore, he soon knew God was doing an unexpected -but exciting work in his life.

Angie’s first mission trip took place after their children were grown-and married with kids of their own.  In 2009, Angie was given  her first opportunity to join a mission team to Honduras–which changed her vision–her spiritual eyesight became  permanently affected by the heart and hand of God.  Each trip she took– was a true gift from God–designed to create in her the passion required for what God had next. From those first trips, God began to grow inside both of them, a heart to do more in missions.

In 2011, they led their first mission team of individuals from 3 churches, to a little village in Bolivia to build a church.  The next year, they returned to an open door at the neighboring school and held a Crusade with their church children’s pastors, along with several others.  Their team distributed over 400 bibles and over 700 Gospel tracts and lives were once again changed.

God has brought together a team–and solidified this group more and more with each trip.  This team is more like a family–as their hearts and minds are united with a passion to see lives and hearts changed for Christ.  Each year, they have continued to go, plant seeds, water what was sown the year before, and work to cultivate a last day harvest for God.

For this reason also, since the day we heard this, we haven’t stopped praying for you. We are asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding, so that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to Him, bearing fruit in every good work and growing in the knowledge of God. May you be strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might, for all endurance and patience, with joy  giving thanks to the Father, who has enabled you to share in the saints’ inheritance in the light.

(Colossians 1:9-12 HCSB) (emphasis mine)

A note from Angie:

It is an exciting opportunity to fellowship, grow in your faith, and make a life changing difference for someone else–as well as become a changed life in the process.  We have experienced many life changing experiences since we first said, “yes” to God’s calling.  We have no idea where this “calling” will carry us in the future.  We listen and strive to be obedient in all things.

 When we are in the states, either one of us would love an opportunity to share our journey and what God has been doing behind the scenes.  We can be reached by email:  jeffandangieknight@gmail.com or facebook messenger.

Until April of 2019, we are serving in Santa Cruz, Bolivia, unless of course God changes that direction sooner.  The learning is WORK.  It is stretching us, it has chiseled on us, and is forming us into what God would have us to be–and we are . . .

Giving All-Until He Comes,

Jeff & Angie Knight


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