Bolivia, breast cancer, faith, Ministry, Missions, New Year

Life Stuff and General UP-date


Well friends, Christmas 2016 is in the memory bank and the New Year is upon us.  Right around the corner-so-to-speak.  In a matter of hours.  Has already happened for some of our friends living in other parts of the world…

Many unexpected things happened this year–many things I journaled–God words to my heart- for me alone-and some that I will share with you.

Several members of our family have gone through their own ordeals-as I am sure yours has as well.  Seems the devil is ever on his job–but we KNOW that God is watchful and is equipping us all for the battles that lie ahead…and are currently ongoing.  He is our strong deliverer–and HIGH TOWER.

We just KNEW we would be preparing to leave for Costa Rica (language school) this month-but God had other plans–and we humbly and gladly submit to what HE has planned because we are in this for HIS glory, not anything for our own selves.

I think that it’s specifically powerful that the verse of the day from is this:

I am the Lord, who opened a way through the waters, making a dry path through the sea. “But forget all that— it is nothing compared to what I am going to do. For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.  Isaiah 43:16, 18-19 NLT

Years ago, The LORD brought this passage to my attention when I was going through a particularly difficult battle, today, it’s needed just as much.  A reminder that HE is in charge and NEW things are on the horizon.

Jeff and I are still working on our monthly commitments, meaning: we will need your help.  We are getting closer, but we still have much to do to get there.   We can’t do this without God lay it upon the hearts of others to help us for the next two years.

Beyond that, I don’t know what God has in store.  We will gladly stay in Bolivia until He calls us home–or we will go wherever HE sends next, but this we know–we must do what He has laid on our hearts to do.  That is, work with the children in the schools He has opened up to us in Santa Cruz, and continue to build churches for the villages where there is no Gospel Door open.


There have been extreme forces fighting against us- the biggest one it seems, cancer.  But, we are over half way to completion of my treatments, only 6 more to go out of the 16.  The next step is radiation for 6 weeks and I have a dear friend who is currently walking that road just ahead of me.

God had the right team lined up for this medical mission on this side, and I have no doubt He will continue.  My biggest problem is on the days I feel good, I try and do as much as I possibly can to make up for the days I can’t.  For a “doer”, this has been a rough go.  However,  I have done well I think, and from what my oncologist has said, a “prize pupil”, or patient.  That’s all God’s doing, and all because of the mighty team of prayer warriors who have diligently sought God on my behalf. Thank YOU!  You are a HUGE part of this mission team!

Jeff has delivered his heart in many churches over the past year, I participated in the delivery until “chemo-brain” sort of held me back, but they say this is all reversible and I look forward with great anticipation to the day when I can bring a “word” again.    For now, I smile, hug necks, shake hands and am glad to be in the mix of things!  If you are wondering why you see so little of me in blogland, this is why.  I want to give God my BEST, but for these past few months of treatments, it seems I struggle with writing as well as talking.

It has felt so odd being a “by-stander” when I have always loved being in the middle of what God is doing, but I have “felt” His presence nonetheless.  And it has been powerful.  Believe me, I’m taking notes.  I have been writing in my prayer journal to record for later, this road.   Though muddy, messy and ankle twisting at times, it is one that I have seen God do miraculous things and I wouldn’t go back and change a thing…

We have just a few months to be ready to go.  If you are interested in helping us monthly, go to this site:  (You can also give one time donations–we are eternally grateful for any and all help!)  We plan to leave in May, 2017.  We have already started packing…

Have you ever tried to do something that YOU KNEW God was leading you on and had the enemy fight so hard that you struggled in your heart to keep you focus clear?  That’s where I am tonight. I KNOW God has called us– He woke me with ideas earlier this week for the children… and just as quick as I get excited about that–the enemy comes and tries to steal the joy from that.

We can’t see all that is ahead, but we know and trust the Hand that leads us.  We will not stop until we feel we have done all that He has required of us.  He is doing a NEW thing in this NEW YEAR and we are excited to be doing our part!

The road up ahead will have curves, hills and even rough terrain, but HE is with us…all the way.  We are looking forward to seeing you in 2017!



© Angie Knight 2017.  All rights reserved.

faith, Life Issues, love, New Year, Wanda


2016 is not yet here—but it is coming!  A year for HOPE.  I don’t have my Christmas tree up yet….I will show you when I do, but my heart is already looking at 2016.  I know.  Stay in the present…but I find it hard sometimes.  I keep straining to peek into 2016.  
Before the New Year gets here, I wanted to share a little encouragement to those who may already have your blanket ready to pull over your head and hide for the next few weeks of seasonal festivities.  I have one too…although, I pull it out much less often.

In 2013, I spoke at a Covenant Hospice event these words:
           “Hope remembers the past, is aware of the present, but presses on toward the future.”

I was there to share an encouraging word to those who had suffered loss that year.  It was the Christmas season—a time when we who have lost someone, remembers the heartaches of losing.  More than losing a battle—or losing a game.  This loss bears heavy on each person for months and years.  Every anniversary we are reminded of the pain of loss.  But today, I want to remind us of the HOPE we have.  Let 2016 become a brand new start for each one. 

Hope remembers.  Hope can hear the past; the funny stories, the sweet songs, and Hope chooses that which is good.  Hope realizes the present and has a determined focus to help someone else each day and believes firmly that tomorrow holds new life….as we are in Christ Jesus.

Hope rejoices.  Psalms 146:5 “But joyful are those who have the God of Israel as their helper-whose hope is in the LORD their God.”

As odd as this may sound, when my sister, Wanda was leaving this life, my younger sister, Aimee began telling funny family stories.  We began to laugh.  It was just the immediate family—and we felt at ease in the Presence of God.  I even felt in my spirit that Wanda lingered a bit longer because she loved to laugh and loved a good “Aimee story”.

It’s okay to laugh—just as it’s okay to weep.  We need both.  It is a washing of the eyes and soul.  And we all need that bath.

Hope is resilient.  Hope resolves to continue on.  Hope anchored in Christ recovers readily from the winds and waves of life.  Hope pushes us forward, knowing “forward” is where healing and growth takes place, not with our heels and heart digging into the past dry dirt of yesterday.  There’s no nourishment in the past.

As we navigated through our first Christmas without Wanda, I felt like I walked around wearing my clothes wrong-side-out.  I felt turned around and upside down.  This was new.  I was not sure how I was supposed to transition through this season of life. 

The joy of the LORD truly became my strength.  I discovered that laughter is possible again—and love continues on.  Even after they’re gone.  And even with fresh tears, I can smile and rejoice at a new day coming!  

Yes, our futures do look different when they are gone—but Hope can take that seat at the table and we can feast on the joy of the LORD.  It takes time to see this—as that first year I didn’t feel that “Hope”, rather I felt the reminder of Loss.  Navigation is painful—and often difficult.  But when we allow the God of hope to guide our hearts and minds—it is possible.

We are approaching our 8thyear of her home-going.  Memories still flood the heart—but Hope stands strong beside each one.  We remember all the blessings and we rejoice in God’s gift of life—and we become resilient as we keep our faith, trust and HOPE in Jesus Christ. 

After all, Hope is a choice.

© 2015 Angie Knight- The Knightly News. All rights reserved.

Life, New Year

New Seasons

Well, if you are a regular…you will have noticed I’ve not been here an many days.  Sorry.  Life and such.

We had a great, albeit quiet, Christmas.  The tree and decorations were removed pretty quickly-and I set about getting things ready for 2014.

It began with clearing out a closet and then morphed into clearing out rooms…one at a time.  It felt good.

Right now, I am sitting at the Activity Center listening to three of the grandsons play games.  Jason is very talkative…during games…and eating…and driving…and last night when I went to make sure they were covered and asleep, I noticed he inherited his papa-and mommy’s “talking in sleep” ability.

So, if this blog seems choppy, they are fussing.  Or, Jason is fussing.  With the video game.

I have a turtle girl-who is a dear friend.  Barbara is what most friends call her. But B- the turtle girl is another name.  There is MORE to that fun story-but for today–that’s all you get.

On a camping trip last year–I saw a turtle on the road and then found some turtles in the gift shop.  I thought of Barbara many times.  But when I saw this pair of mama and baby turtle, I thought of the way God loves us.

He’s close.  Always.

Can’t sleep?  Talk to Him.

Tough decisions?  Talk to Him.

Too much going on?  I talked to Him…and He gave me instructions.  It sounded much like a parent.

Put up healthy boundaries.  Stay the course.  Time is short.  Make the moments count.  Listen to Me.  Spend time with Me.  De-clutter your life.

Many things are going on in our lives–and I consult the Master.  The Keeper of my heart.–and He never fails me.  He won’t fail you either.

Be prepared for changes though friend.  99.9% of the time, they are a requirement.

And yes, I cut this short because supper is ready and Jason is getting louder.

See you soon!

© Angie Knight- The Knightly News

Christmas, Grandchildren, Holidays, Life, Ministry, New Year

13 Blessings –2013

The blessings that have been added to our heart and home still amaze me when I look into their eyes…

Only God could do all this.

Jeff and I are blessed with 2 daughters, their husbands and a sweet collection of children that make me smile…and sometimes cry.

The lessons we’ve all learned on this journey–the things we’ve heard from their lips, the insight into the heart of God…

Amazing blessings.

In thinking of 2013, I counted these blessings.
Sometimes I may have forgotten that these are blessings, as sometimes life gets a bit overwhelming…and sometimes people tend to not see a blessing ..instead they see a bother…

I recently looked back at the incredible joys of years past, and I saw such evidence of God—and yes, even in the trials and  heartaches, the hand of God was there….keeping us through every situation.

Added to the family this year was “Bubbie” the lamb.  We teasingly said we were giving him to April and David’s boys as a start on the Live Nativity for church next year…so you never know 😉

He’s a cute little lamb…and even though “Mary” didn’t come by the other morning, the little lamb did wander off … (hopefully not to follow anyone to school).

I’ve thought about those missing from our Christmas gatherings this year.  My dear friend Connie Haile spent her first Christmas in heaven, and through her passing, as we went to the house to support Courtney, Mike, Sunny and Jeremy, I met her spiritual mom, Mildred, and met her sister Becky and mother for the second time…and friendships were formed with other “Connie” girls.  Karen and Delores are other girls I’ve added to my “texting” buddy list. (HUGE BLESSINGS)

So even in her passing, she was doing the work of the LORD….bringing hearts with like faith together for strengthening!  As I looked back at the effects of Connie’s life on others–and how she pointed lives to Christ…I realized–that is exactly what I want to do–

Point hearts home.  To Jesus.  To the cross.

Without being able to do that…what would be our purpose?

So, with much prayer in the next few days I am seeking God for the changes and things He desires for 2013…how can I better serve Him?…

As I gear up to be more diligent at blogging…and shouting out to the world about Jesus Christ–through the world-wide-web, I would like to ask you to pray with us.

We desire to seek Him more, serve Him fully and follow Him wherever He leads.

If you don’t mind me asking….

Is God calling you to a specific change for 2013?  A specific place?  A new challenge?

Care to share?

© Angie Knight- The Knightly News

faith, Hope, Life, New Year

The Old and the New

When I worked at the law office in Dothan, I had certain a routine for closing out the year and beginning a new one.  Same when I worked at the high school.  New files were made…certain old ones were filed away…and in some cases, a purging happened.

Sometimes–that needs to be done in our lives…a purging.

When we moved in November–I knew in advance that there would be some things that just would not “fit” in this sweet little house.  The couch for instance.

Now friend…I loved my couch.  We spent a LONG time searching for the right couch…with Bible Study and Prayer times in mind….and it was well used for those purposes–as well as snuggling with grandkids and watching a good movie.

Our Common Grounds girls loved it too…I remember several of them making the comment the first time they came over to pray–“oh I sure wish I had THIS!”  Unfortunately, it didn’t fit in the house.  But God supplied another for us to use that does fit.

The “prayer” couch, where I met with Jesus every morning in one certain spot–will STILL be used as  a place to meet with God–and learn of Him though–it will reappear soon–and I will show you where and tell you how….later.

In the moving–and purging–and cleaning out of all the “clutter of life”–I discovered something about me.  I would have a tendency to be a hoarder if I wasn’t careful.  I mean–I kept every sweet note every person mailed me–and those darlin’ cards that lifted my heart–tucked in a cedar chest. 

There came a time though–that the cedar chest had to be used for it’s original intent.  To store “quilts and blankets”.  so I took a few hours and cleaned it out–going through every single card….

I’ll be honest–I had a hard time parting with some of the cards–and some of them (those that had a scripture verse and special note) I kept.  But in comparison, it was just a  few reminders of where God has brought me.  As I re-read the cards–I saw the hand of God moving in my life through encouragement of others.  I knew that in many girl’s shoe boxes or a drawer was perhaps a card or note with  my signature–and a prayer.  I know the value of the written word–and a prayer of faith in a desperate time of need…. I’ve been there.

In the purging process–God showed me that if I’m not careful, I will tend to hold on to what He’s done in the past–satisfied with that–yet knowing that there is SO MUCH MORE that He wants to do in the future!

Can I share a secret?  He’s got more.  MORE than you could even imagine is in store for this next year!  I feel it in my BONES!

Isaiah wrote about the LORD reminding him of what He had done in the past and letting him know that the future  held even greater promise for the Children of Israel!

(Isaiah 43:15-19 NLT)
I am the Lord, your Holy One,
Israel’s Creator and King.
16 I am the Lord, who opened a way through the waters,
making a dry path through the sea.
17 I called forth the mighty army of Egypt
with all its chariots and horses.
I drew them beneath the waves, and they drowned,
their lives snuffed out like a smoldering candlewick.
18 “But forget all that—
it is nothing compared to what I am going to do.
19 For I am about to do something new.
See, I have already begun! Do you not see it?
I will make a pathway through the wilderness.
I will create rivers in the dry wasteland….

We cannot begin to comprehend what HE is about to do in our midst!  BELIEVE.  TRUST.  DO NOT WAVER in your heart about HIS LOVE.

I want to live this gift of 2012 with such intentional devotion to Christ that I see Him at every turn.  I want HIS presence to feel as it does today–and has for the past several days…thick–sweet as honey.
I intend to make a mark for HIM.  So that HE will be glorified.  I am willing to go through the purging process–and let HIM direct me at all the things that are unfit–the things that are choking the life out of me–so that there is ROOM for HIM to  dwell without any hindrances.

I discovered though with the move–it is an intentional process.  Friends can’t help you with this.  YOU must desire this–and make the necessary changes on your own.

I have helped others move before–and if you’re not careful–you will simply take everything that is in the “past” house and move it right into the “NEW” house.  And it just won’t fit. 

Moving is best done with a clear mind on what you really NEED….not what you want. 

As 2012 dawns–take some time and  evaluate the “unnecessary” of your life…see what things are “time stealers”…and what throws your mind and heart into a pit of dispair.  Get rid of those things.  I can only tell you from my experience….you will be amazed at how you will feel…

A fresh rain is getting ready to fall on God’s people…and I don’t want anything to hinder me from feeling every single drop.  The road ahead holds great promise….don’t be left standing around…be ready.

© The Knightly News 2007-2011

Christmas, Memories, New Year

2011 Gifts

100_3876If I had all night, I could not begin to share with you all the gifts God laid over into our lives this year.  You might be thinking gifts as in “$$”.  But I’m not.  I’m thinking “delights”. 

Things that really get me excited, the hand clapping, giggly sort.


I will share through a few pictures. I think it will explain it best.around the corner

While we were in Ohio at a conference, the LORD brought me a present.  Amazing gift God gave me—just because I love snow.  (It was not predicted to snow…but I asked—and He gave.)




This praying group of men put a roof on our house.  Just because they LOVE THE LORD.  And they love to serve Him by blessing others.  They blessed us that day.



100_3721There were so many spectacular sunsets that took my breath away.  But this one looked as if you could “touch” the land on the other side of the setting sun.  That is totally untouched photo.




There were birds that flew and came close.  There was the sighting of a turtle crossing the road and it reminded me of my friend, “B” The Turtle Girl.

2011-07-24 She Speaks 2011 010There was a wonderful meeting of girl friends who love Jesus more than anything else in this whole wide world…and there was the meeting with my friend from Canada (she has many who call her friend), Ann Voskamp the author of “One Thousand Gifts”.

2011-07-24 She Speaks 2011 008

There were meals throughout the year with dear friends—most I claim as family. Those were special times of fellowship and most always growing in the Lord. 

One special morning—God paid us a visit in March at our daughter, Tiffany’s house when our youngest daughter, April and I went to spend some “daughter-sister” time—and special prayer time. 

100_3246Common Grounds.  What God started in January of this year still makes me ask Him, “why me?”  I am thankful for Vanessa and Angela—the 2/3 of this team that saw the need and had a vision from God to do “all we can” with all we have—for the rest of our days.

Common Grounds is a blessing and gift.  God has met us there in that place of surrender to Him—as we come to seek HIM and pray and read His word.  There’s no time for “food”—even though it has been provided each time—no one eats.  Except to partake of what Christ Jesus brings us through His word.


2011-05-20 Birds at Connies 005

There was bird watching from my dear friend, Connie’s porch…and sharing God’s Word—and His heart for each believer…

Thank you Connie—for being that “persuader” for many that causes us to study God’s Word for ourselves—and then BELIEVE what His Word says!



2011-07-14 Youth Camp 2nd week 004There was my learning experience as a Camp Cook (helper to the awesome Camp Chef Donece—who taught me TONS in the kitchen this  year!)  That was QUITE a good experience!




These are ALL blessings—GIFTS that God laid over into my lap and heart—and many that I even may have missed—simply because I was “too busy”.

Family is the sweetest blessing…and I count my darling husband, Jeff—as my number one blessing from God.

100_3165Jeff lead an amazing group of people to Bolivia where we were able to do many things for Jesus.  I was blessed to witness first hand God at work in and through my sweet husband.

Jeff also lead two teams to north Alabama on Disaster Relief Missions.  I was unable to go on this trip—but heard countless testimonies of all that God did through the individuals while they were there as the “hands and feet of Christ”.

I am forever changed by the experiences of this year….and you only have seen a grain of what has happened in our lives.

I am forever grateful for God for all that He performed, all that He allowed—because through the hard things that was allowed—I saw His love and mercy extended—and I grew.

One delight—that completely amazed and stunned me—was the duck. IMG-20110503-103 There is a story about her, which I have shared in person—with bits and pieces on the blog—but that was a “God visit” day.  All over the place—and even thinking of the duck now, makes me shake my head in amazement and hot tears burn my throat.

We would be here all night if I kept going through the year.  I saw—and experienced some amazing things in my journey of my 49th year.  I can hardly imagine how God plans to top this coming year—

What have you seen—or experienced in 2011?  I hope you kept a journal.  Or some pictures to track your tracks….as you follow Christ until He comes.

I started to just list the section of Scripture that I wanted to share—but instead, I’m sharing the whole of it.  2 Corinthians 4.  The Lord used this passage to speak a special message to me in 2007…and He is still speaking.

2 Corinthians 4  1Therefore, since through God’s mercy we have this ministry, we do not lose heart. 2 Rather, we have renounced secret and shameful ways; we do not use deception, nor do we distort the word of God. On the contrary, by setting forth the truth plainly we commend ourselves to everyone’s conscience in the sight of God. 3 And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing. 4 The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. 5 For what we preach is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, and ourselves as your servants for Jesus’ sake. 6 For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,”[a] made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ.

7 But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. 8 We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; 9 persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. 10 We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body. 11 For we who are alive are always being given over to death for Jesus’ sake, so that his life may also be revealed in our mortal body. 12 So then, death is at work in us, but life is at work in you.

13 It is written: “I believed; therefore I have spoken.”[b] Since we have that same spirit of[c] faith, we also believe and therefore speak, 14 because we know that the one who raised the Lord Jesus from the dead will also raise us with Jesus and present us with you to himself. 15 All this is for your benefit, so that the grace that is reaching more and more people may cause thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God.

16 Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 17 For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. 18 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

New International Version (NIV)

Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica

All I can say….what’s next Lord?

I join countless others and say—I’m Yours.  Do what is best—and may You alone be glorified.

Giving HIM all.


Christmas, New Year


It seems like changes are all we know these days.

The price of food? Changing.

The economy? Changing.

The world? Changing.

But God—-never changes. His Word assures us of the unchanging ways of God. “For I am the LORD, I change not;…” Malachi 3:6

With the uncertainties of our tomorrow, we can rest easy in the resolute knowledge that God knows all there is to know about our tomorrow. There are things He plans, and things He allows in His sovereignty. We are not to question either.

That is easier said than done. With all the things that we have lived through, and even died through, we have seen the hand of God in every circumstance. I bet you are wondering why I said “died through”.

This is why:  In order to get to the place where God can fully use us to our absolute fullest potential — we must die daily—of ourselves.

We desire so strongly to be in that place, of absolute “usability”, we are asking God to work in our lives as never before. “Show us the things which need to be changed so that we can be changed—to walk fully in His Spirit—and not in our own selfish ways.”

Connie Haile Photography

 What changes are headed your way for the coming year?

Some you may already be aware of, some will be unexpected. They are only unknown to your heart—God knows full well what 2011 will bring for each of us. And we must fully trust in, and rely on Him.

He is worthy.

“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end.” Isaiah 9:6-7(a) NIV

Merry Christmas!  From our hearts to  yours!

© The Knightly News 2007-2010.  All rights reserved.

Photo used by permission of Connie Haile Photography

New Year

The New Year!

The dishwasher is playing it’s song.

Only a couple of lights are still burning. And my fingers itch to share all that God has done for me this year.

If you had told me last year—that I would lead and host a retreat for women from (almost) all over—I would have laughed in your face! Yet, it happened.

The States represented? Ohio, Colorado, California, Arizona, North Carolina, Alabama, Georgia and FLORIDA! (Oh, I hope I didn’t leave someone out!)

These women were hand selected by God–for a purpose! Many will see and know the whys and what’s in 2010!

It all started while on vacation in the sweet mountains of North Georgia in February of this year. I met several sweet blogging sisters (Lori, Julie and Marsha), and it began to build in my heart until I could think of nothing else than getting as many as would come, to meet, learn, grow and worship God together!

Words cannot describe all the miracles we saw leading up to that event! We had the best team of leaders! My sister, Aimee, Susan Baldwin, and Marsha Harwood. PLUS each speaker blessed our socks off with their messages of encouragement and inspiration! My niece, Becky Knight was anointed by the LORD in leading us to worship each time.

Was it tough? YOU BET!

Did the enemy fight us? OH YES!

BUT did GOD WIN??? It was an out of the park hit!

I have never worked harder, but been more rewarded, than for those few days of love, worship and fellowship with sisters of like faith. God was awesome…..and guess what?

There will be another retreat….this October. “Sisters of Faith–To the Ends of the Earth”! (More on that later–but mark your calendar October 8-9, 2010, Marianna, Florida)

What is God up to? Building His army of warriors–encouraging others–and leading those to Jesus Christ who don’t know Him! I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but the daily battles are so much more fierce than they were even 10 years ago! This is not a time to grow complacent in your daily living!

*We had a new niece this year, “Keira Melanie”, born to my brother and his wife as they diligently serve our country while stationed in Japan. We love and miss them so much!

*Both of our daughters started their own blogs this year. April is “Called 2 Worship” and Tiffany is “My Shoe Full Life“.

*I have been blessed in amazing ways through the Word of God–through things He has shown me—especially in the past few weeks! I will share more on that later.

Let me leave you with just a short word from the Word. Thank you to Lisa Shaw for sharing this Word with me! It has greatly affected my life. (The days I failed to read it—were noticable!)

Psalm 33:18-22 (read the WHOLE chapter aloud–you have no idea how it will bless your DAY)

“But the eyes of the LORD are on those who fear Him, on those whose hope is in His unfailing love, to deliver them from death and keep them alive in famine. We wait in hope for the LORD; He is our help and our shield. In Him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in His holy name. May Your unfailing love rest upon us, O LORD, even as we put our hope in You.”

I cannot tell you what will happen in the next few months…but this I know. HE is preparing a people. He will use those who are willing. Willing. My education level is not on His mind. My ability as a speaker or writer is not on His mind. My willing heart is.

On Facebook tonight, I shared a small passage from a book by Lysa Terkeurst. “We can’t go ahead with God to new and exciting places if we’re spending too much time looking back. We must leave our past behind, draw a line in the sand, and determine to proceed forward with God. As a matter of fact, every time God calls His servants to go to new heights with Him they have to go through a leaving process first.” (from the book, “What Happens When Women Walk in Faith”)

The line in my life—is drawn. My feet are set. Feather in hand (The Dream Giver, by Bruce Wilkinson–read it!), and I am laying things aside as He directs me. Much has already been laid aside…but more is to come. My heart-faith and trust is in Him alone.

I’m not making any New Year’s Resolution–Jeff either–he says they never stick. But what I can say is, I will be following closer—and working harder to do MORE in the coming year—until He calls me home. Home.

My plans are to write MORE…Share more–and when He directs me to GO—I will. What He directs me to SAY….I will…This year, 2010, will be a year MORE focused on Jesus Christ–and less on me.

From our family to yours, Happy~and Blessed New Year! May you see GOD MORE in your life as you seek Him with all your heart!

What are YOU seeking HIM for this New Year?

Following Him,


© The Knightly News 2007-2009

New Year

New Year’s Meditations

NewYear Laurel is having a giveaway….yup! Starting the year off with a bang! Her only requirement is to dig deep into your heart and mind and share your dreams or desires for 2009! (Not the lose 10 lbs thing—she said really ‘think’) It will be going on all week long for the first week of January 2009!

I have plundered my mind. It is having trouble. The thing is—there are many changes I want to make in my life this year. I’m not sure how spiritual some may sound…but here goes!

1) KNOW more of the WORD–devote more time to reading and studying the Bible—knowing the where and what—memorize more;

2) APPLY more of the WORD to my heart/life–PRAY more!;

3) Eat healthier (I didn’t say lose weight Laurel 🙂 although that is a goal;

4) Cut the diet sodas to one a day….for starters maybe two a day…we’ll see….(baby steps) (drink more water);

5) I have some projects, sewing; writing; reading that I REALLY want to see completed this year—I REALLY need to organize my time better;

6) I want to encourage other women to follow Christ —I would love to witness and be a part of tranformations first hand!

There are other things rolling around with the marbles of my mind…such as downsizing our lives in many areas. Three areas will get major attention: Clutter; Spending; Wasted time.

Any ideas on this??? Okay—now click on the button—go to Laurel’s —read others—participate—and enter her contest to win!!!

Love you all! Happy New Year to you!!

New Year

Where I’ve been and where I’ll be…Updated

Well…for starters, busy. Haven’t you as well been bogged down—or up to your eyeballs? Food? Laundry? Housework? THE job? What about the LORD? Was He participating in all the activities of your life…or was He patiently waiting for you to pick “that part” of your life back up after all the other had been tended to.

I find myself many times so busy that I rush about and forget my Partner. Actually, my Boss. Him. The One. The Giver of the life I so hurriedly live. When I slow down enough to gather my thoughts and keep HIM in the forefront of all my activities, everything goes smoother. As the conductor said on “The Polar Express” (watched it a thousand times) (almost), “it runs like welled oiled machinery.”

So, you know I’ve been busy. Too busy to check e-mails or blog. BUT, as I have squeezed in some time last week and then again tonight, on Sunday I was at the Cafe` having my coffee before church—I enjoyed having you join me!

Then, on the LAST day of this year—TODAY, I am over at Laced with Grace. As for changes….I am seeing some in almost every blog I visit! You might see a few changes here as well!

I am finding there are areas in my life I need to change. I am giving Him free rein in my life to direct me and if necessary—push me in the areas where the change needs to take place.

I hope to be able to catch up with the happenings in your life too!