
The Journey of Promise

© Angie Knight 2023.  All rights reserved.  

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This was not what she had in mind for their first trip together.  But in Mary’s mind—she would rather obey the instruction of God than anything else in the world.  That was just her nature—her character.  Mary wasn’t a complainer by nature—and she wasn’t about to start today.

When Joseph hoisted her up on the patient donkey, she gave the length of the journey more thought.  Joseph had told her how far it was, the different routes they could take, and how many days it would take.  Would it take longer?  Would they encounter dangers along the way?  What if it rained?  These and other questions pelted her mind like grains of sand against the skin in a hard wind storm.  She sat up straight on the donkey, straightened her shoulders and once again had that determined gleam to her eyes that had kept her heart steady all her life. 

You can find the rest of the story on my personal blog: A Knight’s Journey