Devotion, faith, Holy Spirit, prayer

Close the Door

How many times growing up did you hear that phrase?  “Close the door!”  If it involved a screen door it might be, “don’t slam the door”.  

In the early hours of Saturday morning I woke up praying.  Has that ever happened to you?  I’ve had it happen a few times–and it always involved a dream where prayer, urgent prayer was needed-immediately.  It was 2:04 AM.  When I woke, I was actually praying in the Spirit and the need was critical.  I’ll explain in a minute.  

I got up and came to the living room–knowing there was someone I needed to pray for but didn’t know who.  On my knees I called out to our Father in Heaven.  I don’t always kneel–sometimes I sit–but this feeling that I had–I felt I needed to kneel–like we did as grandchildren growing up when we stayed summers with Mama and Paw-Paw.  On my knees it’s easier to block out other things.

I don’t remember how long I prayed–but when I finished I took my notebook and began writing all that I could recall of the dream.  I don’t feel impressed to share all the details this time–but I do feel you need to know the message that I felt the Holy Spirit was impressing on my heart to share with you.  

To read the rest of the blog devotion please visit my personal blog.

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© Angie Knight 2023. All rights reserved. 

Adversity, Bolivia, breast cancer, Devotion, faith, Hope, Life Issues, Missions, prayer, Trials, Trust

Facts vs Truth

Yesterday, when I sat down to write and pray, I did what I always do: write the date.  August 1, 2023.  I knew immediately what Wednesday, August 2, 2023 would represent.  Seven years since the diagnosis of breast cancer marched into my ears, as if it was going to take up permanent residence.  It was not.

There are some things that chemotherapy snatched away from my memories–but that day feels as if it is grounded in concrete with rebar.  After my physician, ….to read the rest, head over to my personal journey blog.

faith, Holy Spirit, Hope, Missions, prayer

There’s no title…but there is a word…

Sometimes I have a dream that sticks.  It’s not often–but it happens.  In the wee hours of today–it happened.  The thing is, I only remember a small portion:

“I was on highway 177 in Bonifay and a tragic accident had taken place somewhere between Miller’s Crossroads and Bethlehem School.  Tragic enough that it caused a very large gaping hole in the earth/road.  I remember being on a motored bike of some sort–and I had seen it all from above the situation (don’t ask me how).  I dreamed I was suddenly further back on the highway–closer to 79 and I was driving fast to give warning.  I knew that if people didn’t turn around–they would be stuck.  The traffic on that road in the dream looked more like I-10–heavy traffic.  Lots of cars and trucks.  I went from vehicle to vehicle telling people about what was ahead and that if they didn’t find a turning around place in the road and go back they would be stuck–for no telling how many hours.  I remember some finding a place to turn around–while others were determined to stay on the road. Nothing I said could change their mind.  Some of the people I knew…some were strangers to me.  They would soon see for themselves there was no way out once they had reached a certain point–there would be no place to turn around.”

I woke troubled in my spirit.  I dozed off again and found myself in Carmel AG–the church was full-and there were two men standing up at the front.  One was holding the mic for the other, who was beginning to give a message in tongues and part English–when he suddenly stopped and said–“I may as well tell you in English–for I already know what it is:  “Things will wax worse and worse….”  I remember he said some other things, but I honestly can’t remember it all.

I looked at my phone in the dark for the time–4:17 AM.  I got up.  I needed to meet with Jesus in the living room.  I say this like I figure everyone meets with Him like this, but I know everyone does not have this pattern of prayer.  People either have a time–or they don’t.  It’s either important–or it’s not.  He’s either all….or He’s not.

The REST of this (and there is more) is on my personal blog. Click the link to read the rest.

Devotion, Ministry, prayer, Reflection

Are you leading your family?

“…Raise your hand if you thought you could only serve God in ministry as a pastor, youth pastor or missionary.  I think when God places a call on our lives to serve Him, that’s immediately where we first go to in our minds.  We become a stammering, stuttering Moses, trying to talk God out of it….”

To read the rest of the devotion, please come by my personal prayer journal blog:

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faith, Focus Forward Ministries, Ministry, Mission Trip, Missions, prayer

Pray As Never Before

This morning when I opened the back door to Let Gracie out, I inhaled deeply.

The air had a slight fogginess to it. Not as much as earlier in the week–but there it sat, misting on the property boundary. Like it had already been up at the house and was excusing itself before the sun brightened the day. It was cloudy though, so not much chance of seeing sunshine today.

As I inhaled, a familiar smell teased my nose: outdoor cooking, old wood burning, possibly, a distant field from days ago finally filtered down to our area, and I smiled.

Bolivia. That was my first thought. I stuck my head back inside to where I could see Jeff as I said –“Hey, it smells like Bolivia this morning”.

I know we live and work here. We both love our jobs, who we work with, and what we do. But we also have a purpose and goals to see more –young and elderly alike, experience their first mission trip.

Focus Forward Ministries, Inc. has a heart that wants to encourage others to get out of their comfort zone and help their neighbor….the one who lives an eight hour plane ride away. Focus Forward is blessed to currently be working in three countries: Bolivia, Jamaica, and Uganda.

Still though, my heart sees pieces of Bolivia in my mind often throughout any given week. So the smell this morning really gave me a hunger for our friends and family there. (If our Bolivia family are reading this–please know you are all thought about so much every week!).

From the very first trip I took, it has always been about the children. Yes, we build churches. But for us, our goal has always been to help the next generation find and know Jesus–and it often takes place in the church buildings we help build. We do our best to get involved in the schools surrounding the new church construction. And we return to all our other schools every year. We have always sought God for the place and time to do what He has called us to do.

Lately, I’ve been seeing the most horrifying and heart rending scenes on social media regarding children.

The exploitation and mind altering to cause children to want to alter their bodies–the devil is at work. Society tells them they can be a boy if they want–or a girl if they’d rather. I told a grandson today as we were discussing some of the evils this generation is seeing–that these people who were manipulating children’s minds would burn. The physicians doing such would also–I’m only judging by what I’m seeing and hearing.

I remember the shock and sadness that overwhelmed me the first time I saw a beautiful little girl who looked to be about five years old, dressed up in ruffles of taffeta, similar to a type of costume worn generally in parades in Bolivia, dancing on the sidewalk. With her CD player, she was dancing and appeared to be completely alone. But her “owner” was within eyesight I am quite certain. She was there to collect money. She danced for whoever would give her coins to clink in the can that sat on the sidewalk. Even better if the money folded.

I looked around in anger. Honestly–at that point I had never in my life seen such a thing –had heard about it but never witnessed the exploitation of a child before. The missionary leading us that day (2011) described to us what was going on and urged us to walk on by and not pause. I remember there was sadness in the eyes of the little girl. She wasn’t holding a doll and playing in her yard–she was dancing a provocative dance to allure the attraction of whoever was willing to watch and pay. Sick.

We are right there. In America, we can no longer hold our head up and say, “not here, buddy”!

It is here! It has been for many years–it’s just more out in the open now without regard to others–shameless disregard for the innocence of the children.

In my kitchen window I have four little glass votives. I light them sometimes to highlight what is going on in the early morning at our house. They are almost burned down, but easily replaceable. Our prayers are just like these little candles. Giving a light in the darkness of this world and we have got to make sure the prayers continue. When we see the light running low–the call to action is to be ready with the next candle to light. We need to pray while we can. We need to go while we can. We need to speak and share and sow the seeds of the Gospel, while we can. The day is coming when we won’t have the privilege to do all the things with the freedoms we have so enjoyed in America.

Friend, I don’t know what kind of reminder you need in your life to pray–but we have eleven precious grandchildren from age 21 down to 3–and they are reminders enough for me that this world is shaking up in such a way it should keep us in our prayer closets. They are the generation that will experience this last day revival- Let us pray it down on them–let us be ready to experience it ourselves! Let us live by example the readiness of heart and spirit to go to the ends of the earth if God calls–to share the Gospel with those who have never heard.


prayer, Reflection, Wanda

Happy Birthday!

Today would have been Wanda’s 59th birthday. Wow! Seems so long ago now that we said “see you later” to our sweet sister. February of 2008 we celebrated having been blessed with such an amazing sister. Her quiet demeanor spoke volumes of her amazing character. She had a sense of humor that caught one off guard, mainly because you didn’t expect it. I like to imagine what she’s been up to in heaven these past 15 years…. A lot I’m sure. She is healed and whole-and no heart conditions exist in heaven.

I have been blessed-beyond measure with the siblings that God gave me–and there are several I have claimed through the years as being part of our family–even though there is a distance in many–and even though we don’t even talk as often as we would like–or should–it is still a blessing to have those in our lives who impact us in such a way, we forever carry their memories and it brings a spark of joy to an otherwise sad or gloomy day.

We have such amazing memories–and this porch and “Sister’s Retreat” was a highlight of all our sister retreats. There were the cookies and other surprises we enjoyed along the way. Tea Cakes baked by Aunt Evielean, scripture verses searched and read as I drove (not sure why–but was always the chauffeur. There were yummy meals and cozy fireside sing-alongs and prayer times. Yes, this retreat is one I will never forget. Thank you Jesus, for such amazing blessings and memories! I know everyone isn’t as fortunate.

I may not have talked about her to you lately, but I still miss her–think of her–and truly cannot hardly wait to see her. It is Jesus who made the difference in our lives and family connections. He still does.

I hope, as we prepare for March (coming to a city near YOU TOMORROW!) that you allow God to speak into your life about the hearts and souls of others.

Let us March into March with the passion and desire to tell the world…Jesus saves. Wanda would remind us tonight-HE is coming SOON!

Christmas, Devotion, faith, Holidays, prayer, Reflection, Salvation

His Purpose in You

© Angie Knight 2022.  All rights reserved.

The topic of “purpose”–your purpose, my purpose, it’s purpose (as in circumstances) is often discussed in Christian circles. We all want to know ours. What we’re here for, and we want to know now.

I don’t believe finding your purpose is completely like declaring you are going to medical school so that you will become a doctor–or law school to become a lawyer. I believe deep in each one of us, our purpose was a planted seed as God created us…in our mother’s womb. For some, it IS to be a doctor–or lawyer–an educator, etc. The point is, we all have a purpose. The biggest one: To be light in a dark world.

Of course there’s more to it than that.

At the end of the first chapter of Luke, he describes John’s purpose:

to give His people knowledge of salvation through the forgiveness of their sins. Because of our God’s merciful compassion, the Dawn from on high will visit us to shine on those who live in darkness and the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace.”

Luke 1:77-79 HCSB

These words came directly from the Holy Spirit, through the voice of Zechariah when he was no longer silent. John’s daddy declared his purpose to the world on the day he was born. He shared what had been given to him by the angel, Gabriel–that well known passage when we learned ‘ole Zechariah had some doubt about what God could do. I mean, didn’t he remember Abraham and Sarah? For real! God did an all out miracle there. But instead, his focus was on his inabilities, not God’s abilities.

But the day of declaration came and I like to believe he was LOUD with it! I believe by the time he wrote “his name is John”, I believe he cleared the cobwebs from his unused vocal cords and his voice rang out like he had a lapel mic attached to his robe. The Bible says he instantly began praising God… and after that, you just can’t praise quietly.

The last sentence of this chapter caught my attention this morning–and in truth, it’s the very reason I started typing this morning:

The child grew up and became spiritually strong, and he was in the wilderness until the day of his public appearance to Israel.

Luke 1:80 HCSB

The main part that grabbed me were these: “and he was in the wilderness until the day of his public appearance”. Another translation says “he lived in lonely places until….”

The bottom line is- that place where you and I have been–or maybe still are? That place that feels like a wilderness–that loneliness you feel even when surrounded by people? The only way out is to stay faithful to seeking His Presence and His Word. It might FEEL like a wilderness…but in fact, I believe it’s the preparation ground for what God is about to reveal–and do in and through your life. The things you are experiencing and learning through those dark days will undoubtedly be used by God to help another. I heard a minister once say that God never wastes suffering. I believe every smidgen of what we walk through, the good and the bad is able to be used by God.

So, your purpose? Declare love of Jesus Christ to those who don’t know… sometimes those who DO know–need reminders of His faithfulness.  And hold on honey. If you don’t know yet—it’s coming (your purpose). Because HE is coming soon—and HE is going to use YOU!   

And friend, I am ready for the revival that is on the horizon—and I want it to begin in US!

Bolivia, faith, Hope, Life, Ministry, Missions, prayer, Trust

You Have to Believe it to See it

You’ve heard people say,– I’ll believe it when I see it? Try believing before you see. Try seeing it in your spirit. And then watch Him unfold the journey.

When in Costa Rica, I almost forgot that a blue this color existed. But the skies are that blue at home. #nofilter. And at night, the stars shine bright. It’s especially beautiful on a cold night. Head thrown back, thanking my Father for such wonderful gifts like this!

Every night while home, when I took my Gracie Mae out, I would look up at the night sky and draw in a deep breath of cold air and proclaim aloud my gratitude for the heavenly display of night-lights. I love it. If you have never had a length of time when you couldn’t see the stars– or a cloudless blue sky this spectacular– like only Northwest Florida (at my moms house) can produce, then maybe you don’t quite understand my immense joy. Even though I couldn’t SEE the stars in Costa Rica, I knew. I believed. They were still hanging around up there. Waiting to be seen!

I love coming home. Although we didn’t stay at mother’s this visit– (the things we both had to do were concentrated in Marianna), I still enjoyed my few short visits back home. It’s was really odd- the LORD really helped me deal with the emotions of each place I called home. The people– that’s another thing. It hurt to leave them again.

Our daughters and their boys are the delight and light of our hearts– but we have an urgent compelling to follow what God has laid on our hearts. It’s a compelling that we just can’t turn off.

The other night I heard something- it was actually in the wee hours of the morning– I lay there very still and the Holy Spirit whispered again. I got up to go to the bathroom with intentions of writing it down (typing it on my notepad) when I got back to bed. But just that fast– that word was gone. Stolen from my mind with all the busy things that kept rolling through night after night while we’ve been home.

As I lay in the bed, very still and quite, I asked the LORD, “please give it to me one more time.”

He did.

“You cannot unhear a call from God.”

Just like you can’t unsee something you wished you hadn’t seen- or unsay something you said and instantly regretted, you cannot unhear once the voice of God has called your name.

Oh how I love Him. I am so thankful that when He looked for someone to “go”, we both said “yes”. How in the world did it all happen?? Only by God’s grace and HIS divine guidance. All the pieces of this journey will hopefully one day find its way to a book– that’s what my friend Betty and I had hoped to get to work on– but it didn’t happen– too many things going on. We’ve planned it and talked it for several years now though. And God has kept piling on the Words and the journey is sweeter with every passing day.

A lot of things look different than what I first supposed. But I have followed Him long enough and lived for Him long enough to know that He is very purposed about every detail of our lives and this journey.

After being in language school with over 30 other students– from other districts, we do know that our district is the best. (Grinning– because our district is family) The West Florida District Presbytery Board gathered around us this afternoon before we left and prayed for us– and we have such admiration for what they each do. They are amazing. And one of them is our oldest daughters Pastor. And I had the opportunity to thank him for all the prayers he has prayed over our girl and her boys. God has been faithful!!

If you’re dreaming a BIG GOD SIZED dream– keep believing. If it won’t turn off in your heart and mind no matter what- keep praying. If every sermon you hear, every song and every Word keeps you coming back to circle your dream again– trust that In HIS timing, it will all line up.

No, it may not look like you imagined. You may be older, gray haired, a little weaker in body, but stronger in spirit, … believe to SEE the impossible. Believe to LIVE the improbable. And believe to be used by the Master Himself when the time is right. That’s what we are here for. Bring HIM glory, through telling His story which is our story and HIS story in us. That may have sounded like a jumble of confusion there– but it’s late. Jeff’s driving and I’m blogging on my phone.

When you look up at the blue sky– think of us. Pray for me that I will keep my eyes open to what HE wants to show me next. And when you look up at the night sky and see stars, count yourself blessed. There were many nights I teared up wanting to see them. I’ve never been on a mission trip to Bolivia and saw the stars. I only saw about 5 stars (and only saw the moon about 5 times!) while in Costa Rica. It saddened my heart a great deal because I love looking at the sky.

Well. It’s late. For us anyway. We may stop and sleep soon and get an early start in the morning. We love y’all. Every single one. Keep praying. Keep believing. Keep giving Him Praise and Glory!

Believing…. and seeing. They go hand in hand.

Believing BIG-





My sister, Aimee called me Sunday afternoon and said, “the ladies are so excited that you are coming to speak!”….I said real quick like….”well, they better get over it!—I am nothing to be excited about!” But Jesus is. Actually, I am the one that is excited. I am excited that the Lord has allowed me a voice to share His mercy and goodness to any person with ears! Whether they want to hear it or not….and you know, every now and then you come across someone that “does not want to hear”.

Join me on Wednesday….let’s deal with our stuff! (Note to Sneads Assembly of God Women’s Ministry group at the bottom!)

Sister Janice and the Sneads Assembly Women’s Ministry group…thank you from the bottom of my heart for the invitation to share my heart. The “Willow Tree” Angel was an awesome gift! I am grateful for each of you. You are such a blessing to me!

I know exactly why Aimee loves each one of you so much! She has been so encouraged as each of you in your own sweet way, has reached out and ministered to her in her heartache. That has blessed me as well. Knowing she is loved and cared for in the way that you have done. (I know that each of you are praying for Tiffany and her family as well! Thank you for that!)

So ladies….clean out all that stuff….make room for more Jesus! (That’s what I’m doing!) He will fill every nook and cranny that we make available! I love you all.