
Stitching A Dream

100_6056When the day began, we knew our emotions would be heavily involved….more so than any other day for me.  For some, their home visit was the most emotional day—Rene’s home visit will come in a later post as I need time to assimilate all I saw and heard.

Today, I will take you back to yesterday.  Remember, there’s nothing we can change from yesterday—but we can make a difference in our tomorrow by seeing with clear vision (beyond ourselves)—and taking on the challenge of changing things for someone’s future.

Yesterday was warm…I laughed quietly to myself at that—because I had read on someone’s facebook page from home that it was “hot”.  Girl, let me tell you…you don’t know hot…and I didn’t either until I came here.  So, buck up—wear looser clothing, get comfortable.  This will be a long day.

We began with breakfast—and I know, this has been so unlike other mission trips I’ve posted.  We posted the food in Honduras, I posted Jeff’s food from Peru just a few months past my return, then we posted every morsel I think, when we went to Bolivia.  I’ve not shown you much food…reason? Well, it’s really too hot to eat—even though we’ve eaten…and my mind has not been on the food, even though I’ve enjoyed what I ate—it’s been on the people.

Our last work day at The Dream Center began with us hearing the testimony of Dareth’s wife, Thida (another day for that one 100_6080too).  I’ve never been more amazed at the hand of God than when I sat before this couple and heard all that God worked in their lives—and you need to know—there are things that God does in YOUR life that you have not a clue about.  Things He delivers you and I  FROM –and that we may never know this side of living.  Yet it happens.  Daily.


100_6074We toured the upstairs class rooms of the school—they were pretty much what I expected after working in the dorm rooms and being in the chapel.  Neat-Clean-Simple.

The Dream Center was built by a professional baseball player just over a year ago.  The land was purchased and the buildings I have shown you were all constructed for just over $500,000. (I think I remembered that figure correctly.)  That is pretty amazing—

As soon as the tour was complete, we quickly began completing our work—in the short time we had until they left for school. A team set out to hang the curtains (Rene and Becky’s assignment), finish the painting (that was Vanessa’s and my assignment), and a group played basket ball and volley ball with the boys, while a group of women did manicures and washed the feet of the girls.  I don’t have pictures of any of the activities because I was busy sweating painting, but my friend, Lois Solet, professional photographer went around gathering all the memories in her camera for each of us to take home! What a blessing!

Rene grabbed some shots of the curtain details.  I have to say a HUGE thank you to the women of the West Florida District, who came out on a Saturday—some driving for 2 hours, lugging sewing machines, irons, and necessities to complete the project assignment our team was given.  (I am humbled and thankful for all the help we received.)  Two of our churches took fabric back to their church and had the women’s sewing group work on them (Refuge AG and Heritage AG).  Refuge AG, Sister Betty Richardson, and Cindy Pettis monogramed the curtains so that we could leave behind a bit of us on the last day.

After we completed the work, revealing time was here! We were all so excited—I was mentally challenging myself to hold it together.  I remembered the morning the ladies assembled to sew and we all began to pray—as each individual prayed over their work back at home, the product of that work had traveled around the world completing a seam in the fabric of His love for us as each (proverbs) woman gives of herself.  The two fabrics of lives had finally come together—and soon the picture would be complete.

We gathered in the rooms in as small a group as possible (as much as 36 women can), so as not to overwhelm them…and in they came.  Hands in the air, covering their faces, smiling with joy, us trying to fight tears, then finally giving up…let them course down our dirty, sweaty faces.  Let them see our love in liquid form—as we envision HIS love in bright red liquid form as it pooled at the foot of the cross.

(Click on view slide show)

These girls had made their way into our hearts—and us theirs.  Beautiful, plush bears had been supplied for every girl.  Ribbons of bright matching colors were added, and blankets along with a gift bag of necessities and treats were put on each bed.

There are still some needs.  There are a couple of girls who do not yet have a bed.  They sleep on the floor.  There are a few who don’t have a mattress (the thin mat)—we had taken up money for use at the center, hopefully, this bed situation will be corrected soon.

There are things that I saw that maybe no one else saw.  Things that others may have witnessed that I missed….we each have memories from this day—some I’m not ready to share…it will come though.  Much of this will be shared in person—maybe one person at a time, or maybe in a group—but know this:  they have left their mark on us with indelible ink…

A few last shots before we set out today—on our last visit with Cambodia.  We leave tonight for home—but our team won’t arrive until Saturday afternoon. 




Can You See








© Angie Knight-The Knightly News 2012