
Day “Two” of Traveling

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We began this morning with prayer and breakfast….in that order.  The Presence of God was so real—having heard amazing testimonies from others—and praising and singing songs to the Most High God, the little band of traveling missionaries you see here were blessed to be together.  Only God could do something as amazing as this!

We sang and prayed last night (Thursday night), ate REAL Chicago style pizza—that tasted more like a huge mozzarella stick with a crust—and then settled in to sleep.  Even though the air conditioner in our room wasn’t functioning as well as the one in Vanessa’s girls room across the hall—we found we couldn’t complain.  (Do NOT tell Jeff that I was hot and didn’t complain)

We are right now sitting (as I’m typing) in the airplane—that HUGE plane—and are experiencing turbulence…to the max.  I am remembering a discussion with one of the ladies before leaving—she having never flown before—me—sounding like a “pro” although, I’m FAR from it (I question everything!), I told her, “just think of it as a bumpy bus ride”.  Trying to assure her ahead of time for the high sky-ruts in the road….yet I didn’t think it would be this rough.  Funny though.  As I’m typing, my keyboard is shifting—I keep erasing what I’ve typed because I keep hitting the “wrong” key.

100_4480100_4481 I have just been told we are above Canada right now. 

Wow.  Hello, Ann, We are passing your boarders. Well, probably not, but we are crossing your country.  I’d stop in for a spell, but I’m afraid we’re in a bit of a hurry today.  We have children to meet—and work to do.

We have just discovered the two rows in front of us is a family (complete with grandmother, aunt, and children) of our fellowship—originally from Vietnam, having been in the US for a while, they are returning home.  Husband is a teacher, she is a mission worker.    Again, Wow.

Last night, as we returned to our room to “settle before Him”, and talk, we read from yesterday’s devotion, Jesus Calling:  “Let me help you through this day.  The challenges you face are far too great for you to handle alone.  You are keenly aware of your helplessness in the scheme of events you face. this awareness opens up a choice:  to doggedly go it alone or to walk with Me in humble steps of dependence.”  (Jesus Calling, Sarah Young)

He wants us to depend on Him…not choosing our own path, but following the one HE laid out. 

He has a plan…and His plan is good.  Psalms  143:8 says “Let me hear of your unfailing love each morning, for I am trusting you.  Show me where to walk, for I give myself to you.

We are blessed to be able to travel with this team of women, and Mission of Mercy trip director, Candy Wigington—many new friendships are forged along the way…all in HIS plan.

I can’t wait to see what HE unfolds next.  One thing I know:  At every single point of crisis—or what we “thought” was a crisis—HE was there.  This morning as we prayed, we sang,

“He is here, hallelujah,

He is here…amen,

He is here Holy Holy, I will bless His name again,

He is here,

listen closely, hear Him calling out your name,

He is here, you can touch Him,

YOU will never be the same”….*

(*Tally Trio)

We serve a God who IS here….and He will meet us there as well.

Okay, must shut down for now—the bumpy ride is getting to me.

Don’t forget Lois Solet’s blog, Dirt and Divinity—she is the professional photographer—and an AMAZING blogger.  (I just play like one)

I can’t wait to introduce you to the CHILDREN!!!  If you would like to make a difference in the life of a child—visit Mission of Mercy and find out how.  If you are not interested in “going” to another country to work—you can still bless those there—make a difference—be a part of God’s BIG plan.

Hey, did I mention the 30 minute boat ride to the school where we will have VBS?  Check out the pictures I posted 2 days ago….this is a reminder to pray.  There are 36 of us…..

****We arrived around midnight Friday night—after l—o—n—g—flight.  It is hot and humid here…sort of like Northwest Florida in the stickiest part of the summer…

We are thankful to be here—and was met with a tremendous smiling face of Darth, from Mission of Mercy’s Dream Center.  THANK YOU JESUS!

More later.