Father's Day, Holidays

Happy Father’s Day!

I’ve been up a long time this morning–counting my many blessings. They are innumerable! I have written my Father’s Day message on my prayer journal blog: Go here to read it.

“Happy Father’s Day to all the dads out there!  I’m not a dad.  Never have been one and never desired to be.

There’s a LOT of weight carried around on the broad shoulders of all the dads.  Responsibility is not something you wake up to and just have, it’s something that you learn and live on a daily basis.  It starts when you are young…You learn to be responsible by being given chores as a kid–little jobs to help out around the house.  It is your job to teach your children to be responsible adults.  (Yes, the moms have a big role in this, but dads–it begins with you.)….

Cochabamba, Bolivia
La Guardia, Bolivia
San Jose, Costa Rica
San Jose, Costa Rica

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